English BGE
English Senior Phase
Extra Curricular
Senior Phase
National Qualifications
Pupils in S4 will follow the National 5 or National 4 courses. There is also the option for pupils to sit National 3 if this course is more suitable.
The National 4 and National 5 courses consist of four assessable areas: reading, writing, listening and talk. Throughout the course, pupils will have the opportunity to study various literature, practise creative and/or personal and functional writing skills, deliver solo talks and take part in group talks and develop close reading skills.
Pupils will be assessed on a regular basis. For solo talk pupils, will be encouraged to address the whole class as this is an excellent skill for them to develop.
For National 5 pupils, the assessment is now in three strands:
- writing folio (30%)
- close reading exam (40%)
- critical reading exam (40%)
National 5 pupils will work on their folio throughout fourth year and their pieces are sent away for external assessment. Pupils will sit a prelim in January or February of S4.
National 4 pupils will complete unit assessments and an Added Value Unit throughout the school year.
Target Setting
Each pupil will be issued with target setting sheets where they should record targets and progress that is made. Results of folio pieces and class tests, etc., will be noted on this and the sheet will be sent home for parents to sign.
Homework which consolidates class work will be assigned regularly. The close reading extracts are of particular use in this case.
Preparation for talk and folio work can also be worked on at home.
Pupils in S4 will follow the National 5 or National 4 courses. There is also the option for pupils to sit National 3 if this course is more suitable.
The National 4 and National 5 courses consist of four assessable areas: reading, writing, listening and talk. Throughout the course, pupils will have the opportunity to study various literature, practise creative and/or personal and functional writing skills, deliver solo talks and take part in group talks and develop close reading skills.
Pupils will be assessed on a regular basis. For solo talk pupils, will be encouraged to address the whole class as this is an excellent skill for them to develop.
For National 5 pupils, the assessment is now in three strands:
- writing folio (30%)
- close reading exam (40%)
- critical reading exam (40%)
National 5 pupils will work on their folio throughout fourth year and their pieces are sent away for external assessment. Pupils will sit a prelim in January or February of S4.
National 4 pupils will complete unit assessments and an Added Value Unit throughout the school year.
Target Setting
Each pupil will be issued with target setting sheets where they should record targets and progress that is made. Results of folio pieces and class tests, etc., will be noted on this and the sheet will be sent home for parents to sign.
Homework which consolidates class work will be assigned regularly. The close reading extracts are of particular use in this case.
Preparation for talk and folio work can also be worked on at home.
The Course – National 5, Higher
Most pupils will follow the National 5 or Higher course depending on the grades they have previously achieved. If at any point it becomes clear that a pupil is either struggling or excelling in the chosen course, it is possible to move them after requesting parental consent.
Both the Higher and National 5 courses consist of four units: reading, writing, listening and talking. For both courses, the assessment is now in three strands:
- writing folio (30%)
- close reading exam (40%)
- critical reading exam (40%)
Class time spent on each area will reflect its weighting.
There is a strict diet of unit assessments throughout the session – dates are issued in August. These deadlines must be met to ensure smooth progress.
Dates have also been set for writing pieces – again, each date must be met and each step (draft title, outline plan) etc. will be submitted and filed in the folio.
There will be formal class tests and a prelim but teachers will also give pupils the opportunity for assessment under timed conditions where appropriate.
Storage of Evidence
Each pupil will be issued with a folio to store all the elements of the course. If pupils wish to look at any critical essays for studying purposes then they must return these before the end of the session so that folios are in good order.
Target Setting
After each unit assessment and prelim, pupils will be issued with a target setting sheet which they should fill in using this information. These will be taken home and signed and then returned to class – this is a really important means of interacting with parents so please help us by returning these promptly.
Pupils will all be issued with a study planner at the start of the session. Please encourage the pupils to use this.
Most pupils will follow the National 5 or Higher course depending on the grades they have previously achieved. If at any point it becomes clear that a pupil is either struggling or excelling in the chosen course, it is possible to move them after requesting parental consent.
Both the Higher and National 5 courses consist of four units: reading, writing, listening and talking. For both courses, the assessment is now in three strands:
- writing folio (30%)
- close reading exam (40%)
- critical reading exam (40%)
Class time spent on each area will reflect its weighting.
There is a strict diet of unit assessments throughout the session – dates are issued in August. These deadlines must be met to ensure smooth progress.
Dates have also been set for writing pieces – again, each date must be met and each step (draft title, outline plan) etc. will be submitted and filed in the folio.
There will be formal class tests and a prelim but teachers will also give pupils the opportunity for assessment under timed conditions where appropriate.
Storage of Evidence
Each pupil will be issued with a folio to store all the elements of the course. If pupils wish to look at any critical essays for studying purposes then they must return these before the end of the session so that folios are in good order.
Target Setting
After each unit assessment and prelim, pupils will be issued with a target setting sheet which they should fill in using this information. These will be taken home and signed and then returned to class – this is a really important means of interacting with parents so please help us by returning these promptly.
Pupils will all be issued with a study planner at the start of the session. Please encourage the pupils to use this.