Broad General Education
The Course
First, second and third year pupils will follow a course which will ensure that they all have the opportunity to experience similar CfE experiences and outcomes whilst still benefiting from the different teaching methods of each member of the department. S1 , S2 and S3 will follow a year plan which details the experience and outcomes and assessments that are to be the focus of each block. A unit (or in some cases more than one unit) has been devised for each block. Teachers can choose to use these units, adapting and building on them as required, or can devise their own unit of work. Each teacher is responsible for ensuring the lessons meet the experiences and outcomes – and use the planning sheets to help with this. Assessment Formal assessment takes place as per the S1, S2 and S3 year plan and will be assessed using the department’s target setting sheets. Pupils are encouraged to assess their own and each other’s work throughout the course of the session and this work will also be stored in the folio. Year group assessments of literacy and reading skills are currently in development and will be issued when they are ready – all pupils should sit these tests. Formal assessments will be stored in each pupil’s folio which will be kept by the class teacher – pupils can, of course, take work home to show their parents but they must be responsible for returning it to the class teacher. Target Setting The cover sheet for the folio acts as a target setting record. This will be kept up to date and referred to frequently throughout the course of the year. |